Using Instagram OSiNT to hack into an Insta account.
The Osintagram is a python hacking tool, Instagram OSint tool can be used to hack any public account on Instagram, the tool is to collect, analyze and run reconnaissance. It provides an interactive shell to perform analysis on the Instagram account of any user by its nickname. Does one want to give a proper definition of the Instagram OSint tool?
Then just note that the Instagram OSint tool gets a range of information from Instagram, accounts that you normally wouldn’t be able to get from just looking at their profile. The information includes username, profile name, URL, followers, following, number of posts, Bio, Profile picture URL, is the business account?, connected to FB account?, External URL, joined Recently, business category name, is private? Is it verified? download photos etc. So how do you get started?
Our very first step is to download Linux. What’s Linux? Linux is a virtual machine, in Linux, the user has access to the source code of the kernel and alters the code according to his need. When one installs Linux in its system it’s like a virtual machine working inside a machine. To download Linux, just go to your search engine and type download virtual box. Click on Oracle VM VirtualBox, now click on download virtual box 6.1.

After installing our virtual machine, it’s finally time to get kali. Now how do we get Kali Linux? Again, go to your search engine, and type kali Linux download,

Click on kali gnu/Linux, and then enter

Now, let us start the hacking of the account, now the first thing you may need is deep breaths then type echo “name of your account” > username.conf the username. conf is a file. And by echo, you are putting the name of the account in the username. conf, Now let’s do our setup. To setup type echo “supersecertpassword” > pw. conf, and then press enter then type echo “{}” > settings.json then type ls to confirm.
Now we are ready with our setup, the script we will be using is main.py, type cd.. press enter then type ls, and you will see main.py as your script. Now, let’s start using it right away.
Type python3 main.pip nameofuseraccount and then enter,

Use the list command to see what you can do …. We will type list and press enter

Type exit and then enter, to get exit from a specific command.
And there you go, you have successfully hacked a user account, ethically 😉 of course.
A special thanks to the following websites which helped me write this content.